Do I need to apply for a visa to visit Turkey?

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Do I need to apply for a visa to visit Turkey?

If you are a Canadian citizen holding an ordinary or an official Canadian passport you must apply to obtain visa to visit Turkey.
Holders of ordinary Canadian passports can submit their application via the website for electronic visas The electronic service provides multiple entry visas with validity of three months and is intended only for tourism or trade purposes.
If you have an official or a diplomatic passport, of if you plan to work or study in Turkey, you must apply at the authorized Diplomatic Mission in Canada.
There are four Turkish missions in Canada:
• The Turkish Embassy in Ottawa
• The Turkish Consulate General in Montreal
• The Turkish Consulate General in Toronto
• The Turkish Consulate General in Vancouver
You can apply for certain types of Turkish visa at the ports of entry. There is an extra fee if you decide to use this alternative.
Learn how to apply for a Turkish visa by watching the top video. Learn how to pay the Turkish visa fee by watching the lower video. Go to for more information.

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