No Priority – 457 & TSS visas | AMVL Migrations
The Department of Immigration has ceased accepting requests for priority processing of 457 and TSS applications, following an overwhelming increase in requests. From 5 September 2018, no further requests were being accepted, and a Ministerial Direction on processing priorities was brought in. TSS and 457 applications are now processed in the order as follows:
Applications lodged by accredited sponsors
Applications lodged for positions that are located in a regional Australia
Applications lodged under the Labour Agreement stream
All other applications
According to the published Global Visa processing times, processing of TSS applications (including Sponsorships, Nominations, and Visas) is currently taking an approximate average of 52 days from lodgement. 457 visa applicants are not so lucky, with an estimated 8 to 13 months for a decision to be made.
However, Immigration aims to ensure applications from accredited sponsors are processed in less than five days from lodgement. Based on the significant advantages, sponsors are encouraged to apply for accreditation where possible.
For assistance with applying for accredited sponsorship for your business, please contact our employer sponsored team.